(Svenska) Bokningsformulär Fika & Konditorivaror Lindholmen



    Please fill in your inquiry in the form below and we will return with a confirmation by the following weekday. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at bokninglindholmen@chalmerskonferens.se or at 031 - 772 3950


    Phone nr:*



    Date for delivery:*

    Time for delivery:*

    Adress for delivery:*

    Ev. phonenr for delivery:

    Additional delivery info

    Cost Center:

    Reference Code:

    Placed on serving plates. Disposable items and napkins are included if desired. Order requested no later than 2 working days before delivery date

    Message: Please specify any dietary needs, allergies and/or other requirements

    Organic coffee 22kr

    Tea 22kr

    Soft drinks 14kr/33cl

    Low alcohol beer 14kr/33cl

    Mineral water 14kr/33cl


    Coffee sweets:
    Cinnamon roll 20kr

    Chocolate ball 18kr

    Sponge pastry 22kr

    Cupcake 22kr

    Danish pastry 22kr

    Biscuit 7kr

    Organic fruit 9kr

    Chocolate truffle 13kr

    Semla (at season) 22kr


    Bread rolls & sandwiches:
    1/2 light bread roll: cheese and vegetables 22kr

    1/2 light bread roll: ham and vegetables 22kr

    1/2 dark bread roll: cheese and vegetables 22kr

    1/2 dark bread roll with ham and vegetables 22kr

    Light bread roll: cheese and vegetables 25kr

    Light bread roll: ham and vegetables 25kr

    Dark bread roll: cheese and vegetables 25kr

    Dark bread roll: ham and vegetables 25kr

    Light bread roll: avocado, sprouts, tomato 30kr

    Dark bread roll: avocado, sprouts, tomato 30kr

    Liba wrap, chicken, sundried tomato etc 80kr

    Wholemeal panini, halloumi, aubergine etc 80kr

    Corn bread, shrimps, pickled cucumber etc 80kr


    Sandwich layer cakes (10 pieces) & open faced sandwiches:
    Cheese & ham or vegetarian 78kr/piece

    Seafood/salmon 78kr/piece

    Shrimpsandwich with egg & mayo 150kr


    Cakes: (46kr/bit)
    Drottningtårta 12-14 pieces

    Schwardswaldstårta 6 pieces

    Schwardswaldstårta 12-14 pieces

    Jordgubb & gräddtårta 6 pieces

    Jordgubb & gräddtårta 12-14 pieces

    Jordgubb & gräddtårta 18-20 pieces

    Jordgubb & gräddtårta 40 pieces

    Bananza 6 pieces

    Bananza 12-14 pieces

    Italiensk hallonmaräng 6 pieces

    Hallon & gräddtårta 6 pieces

    Hallon & gräddtårta 12-14 pieces

    Hallon & gräddtårta 18-20 pieces

    Hallon & gräddtårta 40 pieces

    White Lady 6 pieces

    White Lady 12-14 pieces

    White Lady 18-20 pieces

    White Lady 40 pieces

    Frukttårta 6 pieces

    Frukttårta 12-14 pieces

    Frukttårta 18-20 pieces

    Tryffeltårta 6-8 pieces

    Princesstårta 6 pieces

    Princesstårta 12-14 bitar

    Princesstårta 18-20 pieces

    Princesstårta 40 pieces

    Moussetårta trippel 6-8 pieces


    Pastries: 46kr/piece



    White Ladybakelse


    Moussebakelse Trippel choklad



    Osötad Petit Choux


